Audit & Accountability

Audit & Accountability

So, are you having trouble with Auditing & Accountability when it comes to your health?

What is Audit & Accountability?

Audit is:


1.      an official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts, typically by an independent body.



conduct an official financial examination of (an individual's or organization's accounts).

Accountability is the fact or condition of being accountable, responsibility.

Taking ownership of your actions.

to take personal ownership to be accountable.


How does it benefit you?

By taking time to audit your current environment it can allow you to set yourself up for success.

Or auditing our daily lives as we have a natural tendency to fill our daily lives with many “little rocks,” which ultimately prevent us from giving attention to the important things that we value and need to reach our goals and fulfil our ideals.

By putting in the larger rocks before the others, we can make sure that our lives contain what is important to us and our time and energy are optimally utilized.

And by having someone or some group to be accountable to you increase your chances of success to 95%!


Audit Exercise:

Big Rocks & Little Rocks


The concept is that one can only fill a container optimally by placing the big rocks first, then the smaller rocks, pebbles, and, finally, sand. These represent the values and activities of decreasing importance in your life.

Start by writing down five things you spend a lot of time on that are not among your top priorities. Label the smaller stones in the container accordingly.

Now, write down your top three priorities in life. Label the big stones.

Keeping in mind that your top priorities also must receive the most quality time and energy, ask yourself, what needs to change? Write your thoughts down in the space provided.

Next, are there any obstacles preventing you from making these changes to redirect more time and energy from the less important to your top priorities?

Finally, considering the changes you need to make and the obstacles to address, write down at least three specific action steps that you can start taking right now to give you top priorities more time and energy.

For more on the exercise reach out to me and let’s talk!


3 Ways to Audit your Health:

Nutrition: - Track your food for 3 – 5 days of normal eating

1.      Try to get a handle on how many calories, fat grams, carbs, fiber, protein grams per day.

2.      Calculate Macro %’s.

3.      Analyze and adjust.

4.      MHM will provide you a comprehensive, personalized report to improve your nutrition to better reach your health goals.

Movement: - Track your movement for 7 days of normal exercise/movement

1.      Try to get a handle on how many calories you are burning each day.

2.      Calculate Calorie IN/Calorie Out, Analyze and adjust.

3.      In the MHM we will provide you a comprehensive, personalized movement plan to help better reach your health goals.

Sleep: - Track your hours sleep and quality of sleep you feel each night for 7 nights

1.      Waking up and going to bed at the same time each night

2.      What is your nightly and morning routines? 

3.      How are those affecting your sleep?


There are 3 questions to ask to find your “Why?”.

To be successful with Accountability you must really understand your “Why?”

1.      Why do you want to make this change?

2.      What will the outcome look like on the other side after all of the work?

3.      What will it look like if I don’t change anything at all?


Accountability Exercise:

To-Be List


Start by making a list of all the qualities you want to be or become in

the next year. For example, “I want to be healthy.” Or, “I want to be

peaceful,” “I want to be motivated,” and “I want to be focused.”


Then, ask yourself what you need to do to become these qualities.

So, take your “be” statements and make it actionable.

For instance, assign “I will exercise three time a week in the gym” to

“I want to be healthy.” And, “I will avoid multitasking” to “I want to

be focused.” “I will meditate for 10 minutes every day” to “I want to

be peaceful,” and “I will use positive affirmations daily” to “I want to

be motivated.”


To help you create your to-be list, you also may ask yourself the

following questions as guidance.

• What life choices and changes do I need to be more


• What is holding me back from living my values?

• What is one thing I can do in the next day that will have the

most positive impact on my life?

For more on the exercise reach out to me and let’s talk!


Healthy Eating in a Hurry: 5 Essential Tips

