

What is awareness?

The quality or condition of perceiving or comprehending something or knowledge of its existence, familiarity with or knowledge of a subject, condition, happening, status, etc.

Being aware is about knowing where you currently are and why you are there.

Awareness also means accepting your imperfections and YOUR strengths.

How does it benefit you?

You must first become aware to be able to better your situation.

Awareness if the main foundation from which to control your destiny or outcome.

There are 3 things you can do to encourage and support self-awareness.

1.      Practice Mindfulness by focusing with your full attention on the present moment without judgement.  This helps you connect with yourself and your surroundings.

2.      Self-reflection by minimizing mindless distractions and look inward, focusing on your thoughts and emotions

3.      Avoid External validation – steer clear of a dependence on approval from the outside. Instead seek internal meaning.

What are somethings you need to bring awareness to of when it comes to your health and fitness?


1.      How much water you are drinking?

Nutrition: - Track your food for 3 – 5 days of normal eating

2.      Portion control – look at the packaging and find out how much a portion size truly is

3.      Vitamins – are you getting enough through food or should you take a multi vitamin - According to, vitamins are needed for normal cell function, growth, and development. However, be aware of your intake. High doses of vitamins can be toxic. Make sure to ask your health care specialist what is right for you.

4.      Trans Fast, Sugar and Processed Foods – when you eat foods like these, how does it make you feel?  How does it make you feel while you are eating it?  And how does it make you feel 1-2 hours after you have finished, both physically and emotionally?

5.      Snacks, snacks, and more snacks – good options for snacks and how to make sure you are not without food

6.      Eating at home / cooking at home – you know exactly what is going in your food, the quality of food and you appreciate the food more when you make it yourself.  If you incorporate your children in the process of cooking, you are leading by example and getting them excited about food they might normally want to try.


7.      Be active and move! – how much are you really moving, what do you consider movement? What are some easy, simple, and quick ways to get movement in throughout the day? How do you feel before movement?  How do you feel after you have completed significant movement for the day?


8.      How much sleep are you getting each night?

9.      Waking up and going to bed at the same time each night

10.  What is your nightly and morning routines?  How are those affecting your sleep?


11.  What things bring you the most stress?

12.  How do you deal with stress?



Audit & Accountability